Tuesday, June 30, 2009


This place sucks hardcore. Don't waste any time going here. Go to Wendy's across the street for more value and better fries and condiments.

The Good:

They gave me a lot of fries (which was actually bad because the fries were shitty). The beer was served out of an ice bucket so it was cold and delicious. That is all.

The Bad:

There are three tables in the place. They don't have a public bathroom (they get a few points for letting me use the staff's bathroom upstairs, but come on). They only make burgers medium, which was okay for me, but sucks if you like your burger all juicy and shit. They didn't give me a pickle. They only had a few beers to pick from and only one of them was any good (Negra Modello). It was expensive. All their salt shakers were full of old rice and I couldn't properly salt my fries (which didn't come with ANY salt on them).

Overall Score: 35/100

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