Thursday, June 25, 2009

Bobby Vans

Short and to the point today......thought this was going to be overpriced and ok.......was wrong, burger was quite good only problem was the bun was lacking relative to the burger......maybe the cleanest bathrooms ever visited.....the fries where actually a combo of onion ring pieces (I say this because they weren't the whole onion ring) and fries......I am actually more of a fry guy than an onion so I would have liked to have more of the fries but such is life....

The atmosphere was typical steak house....and being right next to the NYSE made it all the more full of assholes in suits but we where treated pretty good.....although I don't think our waiter was too pleased with four of us all ordering burgers...........

Any how this establishment rates at a pretty high 76 despite my initial reservations...........

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