Thursday, June 25, 2009

Bobby Van's

Bobby Van's. Why the hell would you name a steakhouse this? Oh well. We walked in to the main restaurant area as opposed to the burger joint/bar they keep downstairs (it was busy with a private party). We were greeted by some guy who took my name and promised a table as soon as the rest of our party arrived. We had several drinks and then the guy delivered on his promise of a table.

I had a bunch of screwdrivers because I was getting sick. Let me tell you they were amazing until I found out they were $13. But since that didn't happen until we got the bill, it was all good.

I think the wait staff was a little upset that riff-raff like us were in their nice steakhouse wearing our shitty clothes, drinking beers and ordering burgers. That being said, the burgers were fucking awesome. The fries were fucking awesome. The fried onion bits were fucking awesome. The pickle was ok. The bun was fucking terrible. The service was really good despite our party not being their target clientelle.

This place is expensive. Be prepared. I gave it a really good score because the only bad things in my opinion were the cost and the bun. 85/100

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