Friday, May 22, 2009

Molly' default

Originally the plan was to go to Shake Shack to try one of the most hyped burgers in the city......but since it was Thursday and in the 70's we needed a back up......sure enough as we entered the park the line was to the other side of the park......about a 45 minute wait just to order......SS burger better be the best goddamn burger out there but that is for another time......

Molly's is an old Irish pub style place nothing fancy, darkly lit, and such......this would be the first place we would use our score cards to actually be able to compare one place to another going forward.......saw dust on floor...a plus in my book and a waitress that spoke like she was just off the boat to further add to the Irish pub experience.......of course guinness on tap....the seating was crowded in the booth section they were made for 2 people not 4 and the condiment selection was just mustard and heinz selection 10 on tap and about as many in the bottle.....the fries needed salt though were a good wedge style size....good crispiness for a wedge though the amount was a bit on the short side.......the bun nothing special there at all.....the burger was a big size and at first glance I thought was well done....this seemed more to do with the lighting than anything else.....the holdtogetherness also seemed at first to be an issue but mine lasted long into the meal.....juiciness.....none....pickles a bit of an oddity in that they came in two giant wedges that you can't put on the burger itself.....not much of a help.

The bathroom I was told was not up to par but I didn't see it myself......

The overall score for this establishment is a 53 out of a possible95.......right in the middle of the road......nothing special here........

A word of of the morning after one of our team has come down with what appears food this could be from anything and since we all ate basically the same burgers (his was medium well the other two medium rare) it's hard to say it was from the food there......but.......he has thrown up twice during the night and feels like crap (as well as having issues with his craps) today and is currently lying down in a chair as I write this review.........

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