Thursday, May 7, 2009


It was one of the shittiest weeks as far as the weather in NYC was concerned........rain, rain and more rain......but upon leaving work and heading out to Williamsburg the sky opened up and the sun blazed through.....upon reflection it was a hint of things to come......

I am not a person who travels overseas if at heading out to Williamsburg was no small feat in and of itself and a strike against any burger joint in my book.....but that's I may have had a chip on my shoulder.........

All worries were put aside once I saw someone elses order.......what can I say......this is a place that lived up to the hype my co-workers gave it........two burgers, no nonsense, pickles sliced and a wedge......right there says class.......fries perfect.......burger just right medium rare was medium rare.....the larger burger was just enough to satisfy my hunger but not too much to make me feel ill......this was the burger so far.

Now to top all this off guinness in a can not the perfect pour but acceptable......but the over the top part was a fucking vanilla shake at the end.....and get this with a large shot of baileys......named (by us) the baileyache......get it......get what else is there in life.

The only negative I can think of is there is only one bathroom and the joint is small......on the evening we were there it was empty (the ugly weather earlier had scared away the hipsters and the fear of what wet jeans may do to their circulation).......

In any case these are small issues for an excellent burger and fry joint..........

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